introducing #hashmail - your personal web3 mailbox



2022-10-01 | 3 min read


Communication is the lifeblood of a community, project, or organization.

Yet, web3 has long struggled with the lack of it. Communities and projects are forced to rely on Discord, Telegram, or Twitter. While all of these communication channels serve an important role in web3, we still struggle with two key problems:

  1. These channels are designed for mass or broadcast communication. Targeted 1-1 or sub-group communication is nearly impossible (DMs are just mostly scams now).
  2. It is impossible to verify sender authenticity, that is connected to their wallet address.

This fundamental lack of communication is one of the largest contributors to a poor user experience in the ecosystem.

  • If you want to connect with another user (e.g. who has a token you want, or has shared interests, like a DAO), there is no way for you to communicate directly with their public address
  • Or, when you connect your wallet to a dapp, the dapp cannot communicate important information to you, incl. transaction notifications, critical alerts, new updates, support, and more.

web2 has solved this well. But, this is currently lacking in web3 because of a simple root cause

root cause

introducing #hashmail

hashmail is your personal web3 mailbox. Now you can exchange messages with other users and dapps, simply with your wallet address

design philosophy

Our design philosophy for this protocol was skeumorphic - we adopted the familiar design, and flexibility of email, while limiting the nuisances of phishing and spam in SMTP.

#hashmail is purpose-built for web3. Our protocol is designed to bring in unique improvements to email, tailored for web3. Including verified sender authenticity using digital signatures, and our unique engage-to-earn model. You can read more about our roadmap here

To usher in the next billion users in web3, we need to give the new users a simple, familiar experience in crypto - and it begins with clear, trusted communication with the apps they interact with

To achieve that end, we’ll be partnering with dapps, helping them integrate our message APIs, building custom templates, and triggering contextual comms for the user. If you are a dapp, and are excited about the potential to communicate better with users, please reach out to us here (and read our article)